Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Building an application framework based on OpenLayers and ExtJS Abstract PRESENTATION
Bart van den Eijnden, Thijs van Menen,
The use of FOSS GIS in Integrated Geographical Systems in Local Government in South Africa Abstract
Nico Elema
From the Chart Table to the Browser: Deploying Historical Maps at Scale Abstract
Schuyler Erle
OpenStreetMap in India, Free Data in the Developing World Abstract PDF ()
Mikel Maron, Schuyler Erle

Academic Papers

Factors Leading to Success or Abandonment of Open Source Commons: An Empirical Analysis of Projects Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Charles M. Schweik, Robert English, Sandra Haire
PAL - Automated Placement of Labels Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Olivier Ertz, Maxence Laurent, Daniel Rappo, Abson Sae-Tang, Eric Taillard
Beyond FOSS 3D GIS technologies: a chance for developing countries Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
José Luis Encarnação, Raffaele De Amicis, Giuseppe Conti, Joachim Rix


Mapserver OGC Web Services Workshop Abstract Notes
Bart van den Eijnden, Assefa Yewondwossen, Jeff McKenna


Open source GIS in Anthropology Abstract
claudia a engel
Reaching a wider audience: Using free and open source software to deliver marine GIS, remote sensing & modelling resources to managers Abstract
Ian A Elliott, Peter J Mumby
Students in action : Broetlikrones project. Abstract PDF
Olivier ERTZ

Lab Sessions

There and back again. Using uDig to perform real-world tasks. Abstract
Jesse Eichar

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.