Building an application framework based on OpenLayers and ExtJS | Abstract PRESENTATION |
Bart van den Eijnden, Thijs van Menen, |
The use of FOSS GIS in Integrated Geographical Systems in Local Government in South Africa | Abstract |
Nico Elema |
From the Chart Table to the Browser: Deploying Historical Maps at Scale | Abstract |
Schuyler Erle |
OpenStreetMap in India, Free Data in the Developing World | Abstract PDF () |
Mikel Maron, Schuyler Erle |
Academic Papers
Factors Leading to Success or Abandonment of Open Source Commons: An Empirical Analysis of Projects | Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION |
Charles M. Schweik, Robert English, Sandra Haire |
PAL - Automated Placement of Labels | Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER |
Olivier Ertz, Maxence Laurent, Daniel Rappo, Abson Sae-Tang, Eric Taillard |
Beyond FOSS 3D GIS technologies: a chance for developing countries | Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION |
José Luis Encarnação, Raffaele De Amicis, Giuseppe Conti, Joachim Rix |
Mapserver OGC Web Services Workshop | Abstract Notes |
Bart van den Eijnden, Assefa Yewondwossen, Jeff McKenna |
Open source GIS in Anthropology | Abstract |
claudia a engel |
Reaching a wider audience: Using free and open source software to deliver marine GIS, remote sensing & modelling resources to managers | Abstract |
Ian A Elliott, Peter J Mumby |
Students in action : Broetlikrones project. | Abstract PDF |
Olivier ERTZ |
Lab Sessions
There and back again. Using uDig to perform real-world tasks. | Abstract |
Jesse Eichar |
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