Presentations and Authors

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Phoenix: A Web-Based Collaboration Tool Abstract PRESENTATION
Denis Giroux
TerraLib as an Open Source Plataform for Public Health Applications Abstract PRESENTATION
Karine Reis Ferreira, Lúbia Vinhas, Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, Gilberto Ribeiro Queiroz, Emiliano Ferreira Castejon, Juan Carlos Pinto de Garrido, Lauro Tsutomu Hara, Pedro Ribeiro de Andrade Neto, Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Junior, Renato Martins Assunção

Academic Papers

Using Keyhole Markup Language to create a spatial interface to South African water resource data through Google Earth Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Michael John Silberbauer, Willie Geldenhuys
Corporative Applications built with TeCOM, a TerraLib Microsoft Visual component Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Rui Mauricio Gregorio, Kelly Aparecida Barbosa Kinoshita, Wellington Carneiro, Hiltom Medeiros, Alessandra Siqueira, Ubirajara Freitas
A comparison of data file and storage configurations for efficient temporal access of satellite image data Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Asheer Kasar Bachoo, Frans van den Bergh, Albert Gazendam
Multi-environment general purpose applications built with Terralib Abstract PAPER
Frederico Augusto Bede, Rui Mauricio Gregório, Leone Masiero, Marcelo Metello, Eric Silva Abreu, Mario Rocco Petinati
urbSAT: from spatial SQL to urban indicator definition and production Abstract PAPER
Erwan Bocher, Thomas Leduc, Fernando González Cortés, Guillaume Moreau
Efficient Constrained Delaunay Triangulation implementation in Java for spatial hydrology analysis Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Thomas Leduc, Erwan Bocher, Fernando González Cortés
Multipurpose metadata management in gvSIG Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Laura Díaz, Michael Gould, Arturo Beltrán, Alejandro Llaves, Carlos Granell
Open Service Network for data processing Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Laura Díaz, Carlos Granell, Michael Gould, Victor Olaya
Open technologies at work for hydrological applications Abstract
Carlos Granell, Laura Díaz, Michael Gould


The application of GIS in selecting landfill sites: A case made with the City of Cape Town, South Africa Abstract
Justin Gichobi
Investigating the Validity of a Open Source 3-D GIS Urban Simulation Modelling Software (Sim City) in the Urban Planning Environment Abstract
Ashley William Gunter

Lab Sessions

Practical Introduction to OrbisGIS Abstract
Erwan Bocher, Thomas Leduc, Fernando González Cortés

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.