Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Analyzing walkable communities, and publishing interactive results on the web Abstract PRESENTATION
Josh Livni
SUAS MapServer - an Open Source Framework for extended Web Map Services Abstract
Franz-Josef Behr, Hui Li
Mapping the Sanitary Sewers of a South African City - First Experiences with FOSS GIS Abstract PRESENTATION
Craig Murray Leat, David Still
Into the wild: Tapping the potential of FOSS GIS for Geoparks and Nature Interpretation Abstract PRESENTATION
Peter Loewe
MapFish: a web-mapping development framework Abstract
Eric Lemoine
Open source Web-GIS of the UN High Commissioner for the Refugees (UNHCR): a model for the UN Abstract PRESENTATION
Luc St-Pierre, Edouard Legoupil, Claude Philipona
Mining Spatial Data from GPS traces for Automated Map Generation Abstract PRESENTATION
Fernanda Lima, Michel Ferreira
Web processing and spatial analysis with the ILWIS open source GIS software and GEOSS data Abstract PRESENTATION
Rob Lemmens
Introduction to ASPRS LAS data processing with libLAS Abstract
Mateusz Loskot

Academic Papers

NAMGIS - A Context-Aware Mobile Web GIS Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Maria Antonia Brovelli, Diego Magni, Maurizio Brioschi, Massimo Legnani, Francesco Corcoglioniti
Open-source Versus Proprietary GIS on Landscape Metrics Calculation: A Case Study Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Wen-Cheih Jeffrey Wang, Jia-Liang Yang, Ya-Yun Lin
Quality Management for 3D/4D Meteorologic Data with Paraview and GRASS GIS Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Peter Loewe, Jens Klump
urbSAT: from spatial SQL to urban indicator definition and production Abstract PAPER
Erwan Bocher, Thomas Leduc, Fernando González Cortés, Guillaume Moreau
PAL - Automated Placement of Labels Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Olivier Ertz, Maxence Laurent, Daniel Rappo, Abson Sae-Tang, Eric Taillard
Efficient Constrained Delaunay Triangulation implementation in Java for spatial hydrology analysis Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Thomas Leduc, Erwan Bocher, Fernando González Cortés
Multipurpose metadata management in gvSIG Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Laura Díaz, Michael Gould, Arturo Beltrán, Alejandro Llaves, Carlos Granell


Collaborative Mapmaking with GeoDjango Abstract
Josh Livni, Christopher Schmidt


GRASS Development with Eclipse/CDT Abstract
Peter Loewe

Lab Sessions

Practical introduction to the MapFish web-mapping framework Abstract Notes
Eric Lemoine
Raster Processing and Preparation with GDAL Abstract
Frank Warmerdam, Mateusz Loskot
Practical Introduction to OrbisGIS Abstract
Erwan Bocher, Thomas Leduc, Fernando González Cortés
Using and extending ILWIS open source GIS software together with GEONETCast services for web-based satellite image analysis Abstract
Rob Lemmens, Martin Lucien Schouwenburg
Practical Introduction to Fusion Abstract Notes
Michael Robert Adair, Julian-Samuel Lacroix

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.