Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Implementation of Distributed Service Oriented Framework for 3D Visualization in Web-GIS Clients Abstract PRESENTATION
Sarawut Ninsawat, Venkatesh Raghavan, Shinji Masumoto,
A geostatistical analysis of water losses in an urban utility using the R and Tinn-R open-source statistical computing environments Abstract PRESENTATION
Frank Kizito, Gaddi Ngirane-Katashaya, Roger Thunvik
Risk Model for OSS: Valuing hidden costs Abstract
Kanav Hasija, Badri Narayan

Academic Papers

Free GIS Software meets zoonotic diseases: From raw data to ecological indicators Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Markus Neteler
Participatory Free and Open Source GIS in the Web 2.0 - Exploring trends in GIS in times of Collaborative Creation. Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Daniele M. Nascimento, Venkatesh Raghavan
Assessment of Location Sensitivity of Voronoi-based Sensor Deployment and Reconfiguration using GIS Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Gareth Michael Nicholls, Derrick Kourie, Tinus Strauss
Implementation of the Elements of the Polish National Spatial Data Infrastructure Based on Open Source Software Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Witold Paluszynski, Tomasz Kubik, Pawel Netzel
OGC Compliant Solution for Online Digitisation Using Open Source Tools Abstract
Sajid Pareeth, Dietrich Schröder, Harini Nagendra
MonetDB, a novel spatial DBMS Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Maarten Vermeij, Wilko Quak, Martin Kersten, Niels Nes
Bozon Nicolas, Bijan Mohammadi
On-line Air Quality Monitoring and Warning Support System for Bucharest Urban Area Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Vasile Craciunescu, Mihaela Caian, Cristian Flueraru, Argentina Nertan
Open Source Software: Risk Management from an Intellectual Property Perspective Abstract PAPER
Kanav Hasija, Badri Narayan


Getting Started with MapServer Abstract Notes part 2 Notes part 1
Jeff McKenna, Pericles Nacionales, Tyler Mitchell


slaxGIS: a GIS-oriented live USB Linux system Abstract
Marco Negretti, Eugenio Realini

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.