Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Modus Operandi of a FOSS GIS project in India Abstract PRESENTATION
Ravi Kumar Vundavalli, Sreenivas N Rao, Narendra S Prasad
Implementation of Distributed Service Oriented Framework for 3D Visualization in Web-GIS Clients Abstract PRESENTATION
Sarawut Ninsawat, Venkatesh Raghavan, Shinji Masumoto, - a free, participatory, community oriented worldwide geocoding service Abstract
Franz-Josef Behr, Astrit Rimayanti
Reasons for the non-use of FOSS GIS during the reconstruction and rehabilitation process after the tsunami 2004 in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia OR call for a stronger lobby for FOSS GIS in developing countries Abstract PRESENTATION
Torsten Drey, Mulkal Razali, Makmur Widodo
J-Hydro, an implementation of the digital watershed concept Abstract PRESENTATION
Silvia Franceschi, Riccardo Rigon, Andrea Antonello
JGrass: The Horton machine Abstract
Andrea Antonello, Riccardo Rigon, Silvia Franceschi
TerraLib as an Open Source Plataform for Public Health Applications Abstract PRESENTATION
Karine Reis Ferreira, Lúbia Vinhas, Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, Gilberto Ribeiro Queiroz, Emiliano Ferreira Castejon, Juan Carlos Pinto de Garrido, Lauro Tsutomu Hara, Pedro Ribeiro de Andrade Neto, Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Junior, Renato Martins Assunção
A new GRASS module for computing visibility on grids Abstract PRESENTATION
Laura I Toma, William K Richard
Introducing GIS into the South African Educational Market Abstract PRESENTATION
Lizette Rust, Robyn Kindler
Development and Implementation of an Open-Source Based Internet Accessible Water Quality Management System for Improving the Quality of Water Services in South Africa Abstract PRESENTATION
Philip Faria de Souza, Allestair Wensley, Lev Manus, Eddie Delport, Grant S Mackintosh, Mzi H Ramba
Peter Reinecke

Academic Papers

Application of open source and proprietary software to optimise meadow bird management schemes in the Netherlands Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Bas Vanmeulebrouk, Dick Melman, Onno Roosenschoon, Alex Schotman, Henk Meeuwsen, Michel Kiers
How Open Source GIS and related tools can help in African project and projects can help to develop new tools: the case of Rwanda and the new GRASS-Epanet interface. Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Marco Ciolli, Paolo Bertola, Maurizio Righetti, Chiara Sboarina, Clara Tattoni, Alfonso Vitti, Paolo Zatelli
Development of Real-time Tracking and Log Management Prototype System using Free and Open Source Software Abstract PAPER
Daisuke Yoshida, Venkatesh Raghavan
Participatory Free and Open Source GIS in the Web 2.0 - Exploring trends in GIS in times of Collaborative Creation. Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Daniele M. Nascimento, Venkatesh Raghavan
GEM-PP: a GIS EMissions Pre-Processor to ingest European emission inventory (EMEP/CORINAIR) into photochemical transport models Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Dario Conte, Gian Paolo Marra, Cristina Mangia, Umberto Rizza, Ilenia Schipa, Annalisa Tanzarella
FOSS4G certification issues in the development of a large telecommunication application Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
A data model for efficient address data representation - Lessons learnt from the Intiendo address matching tool Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Abdullah Al Rahed, Serena Coetzee, Magnus Rademeyer
PAL - Automated Placement of Labels Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Olivier Ertz, Maxence Laurent, Daniel Rappo, Abson Sae-Tang, Eric Taillard
Beyond FOSS 3D GIS technologies: a chance for developing countries Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
José Luis Encarnação, Raffaele De Amicis, Giuseppe Conti, Joachim Rix
Student recruitment for transformation at the University of Cape Town: a spatial analysis of the Alternative Admissions Research Project, 2000 - 2005 Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Takadzani Edzani Rambuda, Shirley Butcher, Alan Cliff


slaxGIS: a GIS-oriented live USB Linux system Abstract
Marco Negretti, Eugenio Realini

Lab Sessions

Integration of access controlled OGC web services in identity federation systems based on 52?North Security Solutions and OpenSSO Abstract
Marko Reiprecht

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.