Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Application of Open Source OGC Sensor Web Implementations for Disaster Management and Environmental Monitoring Abstract PRESENTATION
Simon Jirka, Christoph Stasch
OpenLayers Vector Style Abstract
Tim Schaub
An Open Source model for the simulation of granular flows: First results with GRASS GIS and needs for further research Abstract PRESENTATION
Martin Mergili, Katharina Schratz, Mechthild Thalhammer, Wolfgang Fellin, Alexander Ostermann
Web Processing Services in the context of the 52?North Geoprocessing community Abstract PRESENTATION
Bastian Schaeffer, Theodor Foerster
GIS in the Geography Curriculum: Teacher Training Abstract PRESENTATION
Elsworth McPherson, Mandy Carolissen, Deon Scheepers
Mapping the Sanitary Sewers of a South African City - First Experiences with FOSS GIS Abstract PRESENTATION
Craig Murray Leat, David Still
WebServices application with Django and OpenLayers Abstract
Guillaume SUEUR
Apache vs LightHttpd benchmark and optimization for serving huge tilesets Abstract
Guillaume SUEUR
Open source Web-GIS of the UN High Commissioner for the Refugees (UNHCR): a model for the UN Abstract PRESENTATION
Luc St-Pierre, Edouard Legoupil, Claude Philipona
GIS in the school curriculum - perceptions and challenges facing educators in the Western Cape, South Africa Abstract PRESENTATION
Deon Scheepers, Mandy Carolissen
FOSS: Franchise as Business Model for Developing Nations Abstract
Peter Stamm
WFS Simple: the welterweight data access standard Abstract PRESENTATION
Raj Singh
Ride the lightning - Mapping lightnings with geotools and openlayers Abstract PRESENTATION
Wouter Schaubroeck

Academic Papers

Using Keyhole Markup Language to create a spatial interface to South African water resource data through Google Earth Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Michael John Silberbauer, Willie Geldenhuys
Application of open source and proprietary software to optimise meadow bird management schemes in the Netherlands Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Bas Vanmeulebrouk, Dick Melman, Onno Roosenschoon, Alex Schotman, Henk Meeuwsen, Michel Kiers
Spatial Analysis and Visualization of Genetic Biodiversity Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Robert G Beiko, Jacqueline Whalley, Suwen Wang, Harman Clair, Greg Smolyn, Sylvia Churcher, Mike Porter, Christian Blouin, Stephen Brooks
How Open Source GIS and related tools can help in African project and projects can help to develop new tools: the case of Rwanda and the new GRASS-Epanet interface. Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Marco Ciolli, Paolo Bertola, Maurizio Righetti, Chiara Sboarina, Clara Tattoni, Alfonso Vitti, Paolo Zatelli
10,000 Pairs of Eyes, 10,000 Mappers: How a Stereo Imagery Web Service Changes Everything! Abstract
David William Skea
Corporative Applications built with TeCOM, a TerraLib Microsoft Visual component Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Rui Mauricio Gregorio, Kelly Aparecida Barbosa Kinoshita, Wellington Carneiro, Hiltom Medeiros, Alessandra Siqueira, Ubirajara Freitas
An Open Source model for the simulation of granular flows: First results with GRASS GIS and needs for further research Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Martin Mergili, Katharina Schratz, Mechthild Thalhammer, Wolfgang Fellin, Alexander Ostermann
Integration of GRASS functionality in web based SDI service chains Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Johannes Brauner, Bastian Schaeffer
Factors Leading to Success or Abandonment of Open Source Commons: An Empirical Analysis of Projects Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Charles M. Schweik, Robert English, Sandra Haire
Assessment of Location Sensitivity of Voronoi-based Sensor Deployment and Reconfiguration using GIS Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Gareth Michael Nicholls, Derrick Kourie, Tinus Strauss
GEM-PP: a GIS EMissions Pre-Processor to ingest European emission inventory (EMEP/CORINAIR) into photochemical transport models Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Dario Conte, Gian Paolo Marra, Cristina Mangia, Umberto Rizza, Ilenia Schipa, Annalisa Tanzarella
Using supply chain management to enable GIS units to improve their response to their customers' needs. Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Peter Schmitz
A review of Spatial Data Infrastructure implementation in Africa Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Prestige Tatenda Makanga, Julian Smit
Optimal exploration target zones Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Pravesh Debba, Emmanaul John M. Carranza, Alfred Stein, Freek D. van der Meer
OGC Compliant Solution for Online Digitisation Using Open Source Tools Abstract
Sajid Pareeth, Dietrich Schröder, Harini Nagendra
PAL - Automated Placement of Labels Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Olivier Ertz, Maxence Laurent, Daniel Rappo, Abson Sae-Tang, Eric Taillard
Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in Kuils-Eerste River Catchments using GIS Modelling Abstract
Abraham Thomas, Wisemen Chingombe, James Ayuk, Theo Scheepers


The Open-Geo Stack: OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostGIS Abstract Notes
Justin Deoliveira, Tim Schaub, Chris Holmes
Standardized Geoprocessing with 52?North Open Source Software Abstract Notes
Bastian Schaeffer
OpenLayers - Building Web Mapping Applications with a Solid Foundation Abstract software Notes
Tim Schaub
Collaborative Mapmaking with GeoDjango Abstract
Josh Livni, Christopher Schmidt


Media Watch on Climate Change: Sustainability and the Geospatial Web ( Abstract
Arno Scharl
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) GeoWeb Expands Access to GIS data for the MIT Community through Open Source Tools Abstract
Lisa Sweeney
GIS based Infrastructure management and Planning System Abstract
Muhammad Azeem Sadiq, Muhammad Umar Khattak

Lab Sessions

Practical Introduction into 52?North's Sensor Observation Service Abstract Notes
Christoph Stasch
Extending the functionality of QGIS with Python plugins Abstract Notes
Marco Hugentobler, Horst Düster, Tim Sutton
Introduction to the 52North Web Processing Service Abstract
Bastian Schaeffer
Using and extending ILWIS open source GIS software together with GEONETCast services for web-based satellite image analysis Abstract
Rob Lemmens, Martin Lucien Schouwenburg

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.