Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Easing Transition to Open Source Geo-Spatial Data Manipulation in GML Abstract
Ismail Wadembere
Using FOSS and Proprietory GIS in Assessing Water Use by Alien Vegetation Abstract PRESENTATION
Brendon Woff-Piggott, Stephen Mallory, Stephen Hardy, Niel van Wyk
Integrating FOSS web-GIS tools with Web2.0 capabilities to produce scalable city information toolkit, supporting participatory GIS Abstract
Nimalika Fernando, Sirimewan Widyasekara, Waruna Chathuranga de Silva, Indika Anuruddha Tantrigoda
Reasons for the non-use of FOSS GIS during the reconstruction and rehabilitation process after the tsunami 2004 in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia OR call for a stronger lobby for FOSS GIS in developing countries Abstract PRESENTATION
Torsten Drey, Mulkal Razali, Makmur Widodo
Coordinate Systems: PROJ.4, EPSG and OGC WKT Abstract PRESENTATION
Frank Warmerdam
GDAL/OGR Project Status Report Abstract PRESENTATION
Frank Warmerdam
The use of FOSS in urban modelling and simulation Abstract PRESENTATION
Alize Botha, Dr. Louis Waldeck
Development and Implementation of an Open-Source Based Internet Accessible Water Quality Management System for Improving the Quality of Water Services in South Africa Abstract PRESENTATION
Philip Faria de Souza, Allestair Wensley, Lev Manus, Eddie Delport, Grant S Mackintosh, Mzi H Ramba

Academic Papers

Spatial Analysis and Visualization of Genetic Biodiversity Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Robert G Beiko, Jacqueline Whalley, Suwen Wang, Harman Clair, Greg Smolyn, Sylvia Churcher, Mike Porter, Christian Blouin, Stephen Brooks
Open-source Versus Proprietary GIS on Landscape Metrics Calculation: A Case Study Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Wen-Cheih Jeffrey Wang, Jia-Liang Yang, Ya-Yun Lin

Lab Sessions

Raster Processing and Preparation with GDAL Abstract
Frank Warmerdam, Mateusz Loskot

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.