Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Modus Operandi of a FOSS GIS project in India Abstract PRESENTATION
Ravi Kumar Vundavalli, Sreenivas N Rao, Narendra S Prasad
Shortest path search for real road networks and dynamic costs with pgRouting Abstract PRESENTATION
Anton Patrushev
Improve metadata creation process using OpenSource Abstract PRESENTATION
Francois Prunayre
POTIMART - an Open Source GIS platform for transportation Abstract PRESENTATION
Claude Philipona
Open source Web-GIS of the UN High Commissioner for the Refugees (UNHCR): a model for the UN Abstract PRESENTATION
Luc St-Pierre, Edouard Legoupil, Claude Philipona
Integrating Commercial and OpenSource software for an Environmental Health Information System for the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality Abstract
Martiens Pelser

Academic Papers

Spatial Analysis and Visualization of Genetic Biodiversity Abstract PRESENTATION PAPER
Robert G Beiko, Jacqueline Whalley, Suwen Wang, Harman Clair, Greg Smolyn, Sylvia Churcher, Mike Porter, Christian Blouin, Stephen Brooks
The Importance of Open Source Geospatial Software Developments for GIScience & Technology Advance in the Dominican Republic Abstract
Ramon Anibal Peguero
Multi-environment general purpose applications built with Terralib Abstract PAPER
Frederico Augusto Bede, Rui Mauricio Gregório, Leone Masiero, Marcelo Metello, Eric Silva Abreu, Mario Rocco Petinati
Implementation of the Elements of the Polish National Spatial Data Infrastructure Based on Open Source Software Abstract PAPER PRESENTATION
Witold Paluszynski, Tomasz Kubik, Pawel Netzel
OGC Compliant Solution for Online Digitisation Using Open Source Tools Abstract
Sajid Pareeth, Dietrich Schröder, Harini Nagendra


FOSS4G routing with pgRouting tools and OpenStreetMap road data Abstract
Claude Philipona, Daniel Kastl


PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Geoserver & OpenLayers at Electricité De France Abstract
Laurent Pierre
Mapping kit for Drupal Abstract
John Pulles

Lab Sessions

Practical introduction to Spatial Data Integrator powered by Talend Abstract
Francois Prunayre

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.